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Decarbonize. Invest. Transform
September 10-12, 2024
Edmonton Convention Centre | Alberta, Canada

  • 10 30 AM

Genesee Generating Station - The Heart of Alberta's Decarbonized Future

The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

At Capital Power, we’re powering a sustainable future for people and planet. Our dedication to this purpose drives our innovation at the Genesee Generating Station where we are executing our decarb...

Knowledge Partner : Capital Power

  • locationExhibition Floor
  • small-arm10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
tuesday September 20, 2022
The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Genesee Generating Station - The Heart of Alberta's Decarbonized Future

  • pr-alarm10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
  • pr-locationExhibition Floor
Knowledge Partner

At Capital Power, we’re powering a sustainable future for people and planet. Our dedication to this purpose drives our innovation at the Genesee Generating Station where we are executing our decarbonization strategy including repowering to natural gas and advancing plans for carbon capture, utilization and sequestration. We’re excited to share details about the important work happening at this site where dispatchable base-load generation will power Alberta’s low carbon future.

  • 11 30 AM

Opportunities in Post-Combustion Carbon Capture

The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Post-combustion carbon capture may be the most technically feasible and economical means of reducing the carbon intensity of existing commercial industries, given that it does not require significa...

Knowledge Partner : Capital Power

  • locationExhibition Floor
  • small-arm11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
tuesday September 20, 2022
The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Opportunities in Post-Combustion Carbon Capture

  • pr-alarm11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
  • pr-locationExhibition Floor
Knowledge Partner

Post-combustion carbon capture may be the most technically feasible and economical means of reducing the carbon intensity of existing commercial industries, given that it does not require significant production outages or replacement/major overhaul of existing assets. Post-combustion carbon capture does however present unique engineering challenges including low CO2 partial pressures, contaminants in the flue gas, and significant infrastructure/plot allocation to support capture facilities. Recent industry scale-ups have been challenged to achieve reliable performance due to solvent degradation, poor performance, and the rising costs of operations. Industrial applications for post-combustion carbon capture will be discussed with a focus on opportunities to address the challenges outlined above. The presentation will leverage information from Fluor's extensive experience in design, build and operation of carbon capture facilities with a focus on innovations in Fluor's Econamine FG+TM post-combustion capture technology.

  • 12 30 PM

Closing the Carbon Circle: From Waste to Energy to CCS

The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Varme Energy is the first company in Canada developing Waste to Energy with CCS projects at a commercial scale. Our solution involves a commercialized dual combustion Advanced Thermal Technology th...

Knowledge Partner : Capital Power

  • locationExhibition Floor
  • small-arm12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
tuesday September 20, 2022
The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Closing the Carbon Circle: From Waste to Energy to CCS

  • pr-alarm12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
  • pr-locationExhibition Floor
Knowledge Partner

Varme Energy is the first company in Canada developing Waste to Energy with CCS projects at a commercial scale. Our solution involves a commercialized dual combustion Advanced Thermal Technology that gasifies waste to produce superheated steam. When integrated with carbon capture and storage this process reduces the GHG emissions from municipal solid waste by ~97%. Our projects range from 100,000-200,000 tonnes of waste input and produce approximately 1:1 tonnes CO2 per tonne of waste.

  • 1 30 PM

Bad Clips Sink Ships: Public Engagement on CCUS

The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

The Petroleum Technology Research Centre has been at the centre of project planning for two of the earliest and largest CCUS projects in the world. Between 2000 and 2015 PTRC manages the IEAGHG Wey...

Knowledge Partner : Capital Power

  • locationExhibition Floor
  • small-arm1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
tuesday September 20, 2022
The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Bad Clips Sink Ships: Public Engagement on CCUS

  • pr-alarm1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
  • pr-locationExhibition Floor
Knowledge Partner

The Petroleum Technology Research Centre has been at the centre of project planning for two of the earliest and largest CCUS projects in the world. Between 2000 and 2015 PTRC manages the IEAGHG Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project, a project that examined and validated the ability to store and CO2 in two depleted oilfields in southeastern Saskatchewan. After 15 years, hundreds of refereed papers, and three major publications, the research component of that project came to an end and Weyburn-Midale oilfields continue to inject about 8000 tonnes of new CO2 per day, with accumulated totals of more than 41 Mt in the two reservoirs. In 2012, PTRC drilled an injection and observation well 3 km from SaskPower’s Boundary Dam CCS Facility, then in development, and by 2014 began to inject CO2 for permanent storage in a deep saline aquifer (the Deadwood Formation) 3.2 km underground. That field site is now the largest field laboratory in the world for the examination of different measurement, monitoring and verification technologies in relation to the deep geological storage of CO2. Public outreach and communications has played a major role in both these projects. If there is any lesson to learn for those planning CCUS operation, pubic consultation and effective tools for that consultation must be developed early and arise out of any risk assessment done during the project plan. PTRC has had intimate knowledge of effective CCS communications, having dealt both the planning of these two projects and the crisis communications that arose out of a leak allegation that hit the Weyburn project in 2011. This presentation will discuss the effective tools and strategies that need to exist to assure projects happen in the real world.

  • 2 30 PM

Chemical Looping Process for CO2 Conversion to Elemental Carbon

The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

InnoTech Alberta has developed a chemical looping process for converting CO2 to elemental carbon such as graphite and carbon nano horn. In this concept, the CO2 is reduced to elemental carbon using...

Knowledge Partner : Capital Power

  • locationExhibition Floor
  • small-arm2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
tuesday September 20, 2022
The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Chemical Looping Process for CO2 Conversion to Elemental Carbon

  • pr-alarm2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
  • pr-locationExhibition Floor
Knowledge Partner

InnoTech Alberta has developed a chemical looping process for converting CO2 to elemental carbon such as graphite and carbon nano horn. In this concept, the CO2 is reduced to elemental carbon using a catalytic reagent which later in the process is regenerated for circulation in the loop. The catalytic reagent is introduced in solid form to the reactor, reacting with the CO2 in an exothermic reaction. This reaction releases energy. This energy will be harvested to be used for the reagent regeneration step. The elemental carbon and the oxidized reagent are removed from the reactor in solid form. Two approaches have been taken for the regeneration of the catalytic reagent: a) electrolysis process (commercially available), and b) plasma-based regeneration. Electrolysis process: In this process, the reactor output products are washed with hydrochloric acid to remove the oxidized reagent from the carbon product. The oxidized reagent dissolves in the hydrochloric acid and creates a reagent chloride. The carbon product is afterwards rinsed with water and sent to the lab for characterization. The reagent chloride, on other hand, is introduced into the molten medium electrolysis to separate the pure catalytic reagent from the chlorine gas. The regenerated catalyst is then sent back to the beginning of the process. The regeneration step is endothermic. In order to make this process sustainable, it is envisioned to recover the heat from the front end of the process and use it for the catalyst regeneration. Plasma-based regeneration: InnoTech Alberta is developing alternative energy-efficient options for the regeneration of the catalyst using the microwave or thermal plasma processes. In this approach, the catalyst oxide and elemental carbon are physically separated from each other. The catalyst oxide powder is carried into the plasma reactor using methane as carrier gas and reducing agent. The outlet products of the plasma reactor are CO and hydrogen or syngas, which can be used for producing different products.

  • 3 15 PM
  • 4 00 PM

Industry Networking Reception

  • locationExhibition Floor
  • small-arm4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
tuesday September 20, 2022

Industry Networking Reception

  • pr-alarm4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • pr-locationExhibition Floor
  • 10 30 AM

Genesee Generating Station - The Heart of Alberta's Decarbonized Future

The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

At Capital Power, we’re powering a sustainable future for people and planet. Our dedication to this purpose drives our innovation at the Genesee Generating Station where we are executing our decarb...

Knowledge Partner : Capital Power

  • locationExhibition Floor
  • small-arm10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
wednesday September 21, 2022
The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Genesee Generating Station - The Heart of Alberta's Decarbonized Future

  • pr-alarm10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
  • pr-locationExhibition Floor
Knowledge Partner

At Capital Power, we’re powering a sustainable future for people and planet. Our dedication to this purpose drives our innovation at the Genesee Generating Station where we are executing our decarbonization strategy including repowering to natural gas and advancing plans for carbon capture, utilization and sequestration. We’re excited to share details about the important work happening at this site where dispatchable base-load generation will power Alberta’s low carbon future.

  • 11 30 AM

Compact Modular Membrane Contactor for Carbon Capture

The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Post-combustion carbon capture may be the most technically feasible and economical means of reducing the carbon intensity of existing commercial industries, given that it does not require significa...

Knowledge Partner : Capital Power

  • locationExhibition Floor
  • small-arm11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
wednesday September 21, 2022
The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Compact Modular Membrane Contactor for Carbon Capture

  • pr-alarm11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
  • pr-locationExhibition Floor
Knowledge Partner

Post-combustion carbon capture may be the most technically feasible and economical means of reducing the carbon intensity of existing commercial industries, given that it does not require significant production outages or replacement/major overhaul of existing assets. Post-combustion carbon capture does however present unique engineering challenges including low CO2 partial pressures, contaminants in the flue gas, and significant infrastructure/plot allocation to support capture facilities. Recent industry scale-ups have been challenged to achieve reliable performance due to solvent degradation, poor performance, and the rising costs of operations. Industrial applications for post-combustion carbon capture will be discussed with a focus on opportunities to address the challenges outlined above. The presentation will leverage information from Fluor's extensive experience in design, build and operation of carbon capture facilities with a focus on innovations in Fluor's Econamine FG+TM post-combustion capture technology.

  • 12 30 PM

Fast Track to Scale: Aligning Canada’s Research and Technology Infrastructure and Expertise to Support the Next Generation of CCUS Solutions

The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

According to the IEA, over half of the technologies for scaling up CCUS are in early development or have not been demonstrated in the industries and applications needed to meet net zero by 2050. Ca...

Knowledge Partner : Capital Power

  • locationExhibition Floor
  • small-arm12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
wednesday September 21, 2022
The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Fast Track to Scale: Aligning Canada’s Research and Technology Infrastructure and Expertise to Support the Next Generation of CCUS Solutions

  • pr-alarm12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
  • pr-locationExhibition Floor
Knowledge Partner

According to the IEA, over half of the technologies for scaling up CCUS are in early development or have not been demonstrated in the industries and applications needed to meet net zero by 2050. Canada can lead the world in accelerating commercialization of CCUS technologies with our unparalleled pan-Canadian network of technology validation facilities and associated expertise. The network provides innovators and industry with efficient, coordinated, and collaborative access to world-class CCUS technology commercialization infrastructure and expertise. Speakers would represent the Innotech post-combustion capture and conversion facility, the CMC CO2 injection and monitoring institute, and the CanmetEnergy Integrated High Pressure Energy Conversion Laboratory for the testing of pressurized, oxy-fired technologies.


• Why the world needs to accelerate CCUS technologies, and what markets are most relevant
• What test bed facilities and other supports are available to CCUS innovators in Canada
• How the Network can direct innovators to funding opportunities to access facilities and expertise
• How the CCUS Research and Technology Network creates the right environment for technology developers from Canada and around the world to de-risk and demonstrate their innovations here

  • 1 30 PM

Asia Pacific Market Landscape - Decarbonizing the Energy Sector

The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Decarbonization is, of course, a critical global priority but there is no escaping the fact that it is also a complex process - one that will take us years to achieve • This is also true for Asia P...

Knowledge Partner : Capital Power

  • locationExhibition Floor
  • small-arm1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
wednesday September 21, 2022
The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Asia Pacific Market Landscape - Decarbonizing the Energy Sector

  • pr-alarm1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
  • pr-locationExhibition Floor
Knowledge Partner

Decarbonization is, of course, a critical global priority but there is no escaping the fact that it is also a complex process - one that will take us years to achieve • This is also true for Asia Pacific, which is a huge and diverse region where nations need to balance moving away from carbon-intensive fuels with the need to keep the cost of power affordable as the region try to grow their economies and manage expanding population. I aim to cover a snapshot of the region and activities in this sector during my presentation and briefly chat about the trade delegation from 8 APAC countries that will be attending the conference. In addition, my colleague Tom Chang will also present briefly on the ASEAN Cleantech CTA (Canadian Technology Accelerator) program that may be relevant to Canadian cleantech companies.

  • 2 30 PM

Introduction to Thermovoltaics, Turning Waste Heat in to Usable Electricity

The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Overview of Thermovoltaics and how it works. Explanation of our closed loop, solid state, power generation system. Explain where this system can be used and which markets are our targets. Introduce...

Knowledge Partner : Capital Power

  • locationExhibition Floor
  • small-arm2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
wednesday September 21, 2022
The Capital Power Knowledge Bar

Introduction to Thermovoltaics, Turning Waste Heat in to Usable Electricity

  • pr-alarm2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
  • pr-locationExhibition Floor
Knowledge Partner

Overview of Thermovoltaics and how it works. Explanation of our closed loop, solid state, power generation system. Explain where this system can be used and which markets are our targets. Introduce our partners.

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