Martin Huard

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Canada's National CCUS Convention
September 23-25, 2025
Edmonton Convention Centre | Alberta, Canada

2024 Co-Host

Martin Huard

Martin Huard 300x300

Martin Huard

Hydrogen Lead
InnoTech Alberta

Martin is InnoTech Alberta’s Hydrogen Lead, coordinating the creation of test facilities and services for clean hydrogen technology development as part of the Hydrogen Centre of Excellence. He also provides technical support to the Carbon Capture and Conversion Facilities working group at Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA). Martin has worked at InnoTech Alberta since 2014. Prior to his involvement in clean hydrogen and CCUS technologies, he was a project manager and researcher in the Materials & Reliability in Oil Sands (MARIOS) program, an industry-led consortium managed by InnoTech Alberta. His research focused on wear-resistant materials testing, sensor development, non-destructive testing, and wear modelling for slurry pipeline systems in oil sands mining operations. Martin completed a PhD in Chemical Engineering at Western University in 2015, where he worked on fast pyrolysis of co-processed biomass and heavy crude oil to produce upgraded oil with reduced emissions intensity.

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