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September 10-12, 2024
Edmonton Convention Centre
Alberta, Canada

Farbod Sharif

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Farbod Sharif

Research Engineer, Carbon Capture, Utilization & Decarbonization
Innotech Alberta

Farbod has B.Sc., M.Sc. from AmirKabir university of technology in Iran and PhD from university of Calgary . Farbod has a extensive knowledge and background on carbon based materials synthesis and characterization. After his PhD he worked as a post-doctoral fellow at U of C and was involved in multiple projects such as graphene production and redox flow battery. He started a new role as CTO at Carbon Corp (C2CNT) -the finalists of Carbon X-Prize and winner of the 2021 X-Factor award- working on electrochemical conversion of CO2 to CNT. Now, he is a research engineer at InnoTech Alberta working on carbon capture and conversion.

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