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September 10-12, 2024
Edmonton Convention Centre
Alberta, Canada

Aref Najafi

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Aref Najafi

Manager, Carbon Capture and Conversion
Innotech Alberta

Dr. Aref Najafi (InnoTech Alberta) is the Manager for Carbon Capture, Conversion and Decarbonization. In his role, he oversight technology advancements and development for technologies from Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 to 8 at two separate facilities. Calgary research park lab for lower TRL technologies and Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Center, a facility established to de-risk and demonstrate technologies for higher TRL. InnoTech is keenly interested in advancing carbon capture and utilization (CCU) and hydrogen technologies through validation and de-risking for successful implementation and adoption by industry. Aref holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from university of Alberta, and he has 20 years of industrial experience in developing technologies and deploying them at a commercial scale.

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